Tempranillo Rose
Tempranillo Rosé is a Traditional Non-Alcoholic Wine by Señorio De La Tautila. Tempranillo Rose is available as a Single 750ml Bottle.
Señorio De La Tautila's Tempranillo Rosé is produced and bottled in Spain by Bodegas Tautila.
Team ZD's Description:
This is our favourite Rose. Light, fruity, a touch floral. Very nice colour. Smells divine.
Señorio De La Tautila utilise a very passive dealcoholizing method known as 'low temperature vacuum distillation. In doing this they've created something truly beautiful.
Señorio De La Tautila's Description:
Beautiful, pale rose colour with aromas that are fresh, light and aromatic. Balanced, subtle apricot and peach flavours on the palate. Pair with soups, cold appitisers, salads and light pasta.
Nutritional Information
Señorio De La Tautila | Tempranillo Rose
Fat, total:
- saturated:
- sugar:
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It tastes like a good time